Tuesday, December 20, 2011

How do I assign fixed MAC addresses to my LinkSys router? (No menu option is provided)?

Every time the power goes off, my LinkSys router juggles the MAC addresses of my computers and the one running RedHat 9 (that has scripting specific to an address) goes offline and cannot fine the devices in my IRLP system.

My friend is running a D-Link router and this option is provided in the setup menu but my LinkSys setup doesn't.

My life would be much easier if I could learn a way to assign a fixed MAC address (at least to my RedHat box) so the router didn't juggle the randomly assigned addresses of all my computers. "Uncle!" "Help!" I'm ready to eat grass here!

Johnny|||By MAC addresses you mean IP addresses. MAC addresses are the numbers uniquely identifying the network card and are burned into that cards firmware.

Have you fully explored the menus on your Linksys? I never saw one that couldn't be configured. You would not configure the addresses for each computer on the router per se. You would modify which range of IP addresses are handed out for dynamic machines. So instead of "Start handing out IP addresses at and up" set it so it gives them out at and up. (Just in case your friend brings over their laptop and wants to plug in. The DHCP server is still there for him.)

Then on each computer you don't want the IP address changing on, set the IP address as static and assign it using the numbers excluded from your DHCP sever range. --Router --Redhat Box --WindowsBox --Dynamic

...|||Then use the default value of the router to set up your home lan. If it defaulted to netmask, then make all your workstations using 192.168.1.x addresses.

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